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Saturday, December 19, 2015

These Two Gals With Me From the Start

Day 354 of Photo Inspirations -- These Two Gals With Me From the Start
Yesterday Mom (my mom-in-law) and Karen (my sis-in-law) had our little gift exchange before I head to Texas today.  These two gals are so dear to me. We've been together since the very beginning of the courtship of my sweetheart and I.  Mom was always for me.  She and my Mom were in cahoots as they prayed and conspired to help these two kids see the light about our "match made in heaven and on earth".
And, Karen, four years younger than her brother, would sit at our booth when we went to Kip's Big Boy Restaurant after Sunday night church.  Karen would snicker when she'd look under the table and see Ronnie and I holding hands.  

God blessed me with these precious women, who are not only my Mom and Sister (forget that whole "in law" thing), but have been my prayer partners, confidants, encouragers, loving caregivers, and dear friends for 54+ years. They've stood with me during the best of times and the worst of times. When I think of God's blessings....they are right up there at the top.

We were almost rolling from laughter when we were using my selfie stick to get the photo of the three of us.  Mom said, "I just love using that 'mirror'.  We've come a long way in photo technology since the start of our relationship.

For many years, one of my Christmas gifts to Mom is the "Photo Calendar" that I make for her.  I love to be "in the moment" in taking photos throughout the year for the main purpose of putting together her calendar.
Mom loved looking at each page of photos -- some that I pulled from the archives -- like the one of all Mom's grandkids and great grandkids playing her organ, as well as the one of Alexia and Madison in their princess dresses and Payton laughing hysterically at them.   Mom keeps the calendar in a prominent spot in her kitchen.

Before the two gals were ready to head home, we did what we've always done best together.....we prayed earnestly for each other, our families and friends, and for our country.  It was prayer that bound us together years ago and prayer that continues to bind us together today.
And those prayers have stood the test of time......we've seen so many answers to prayer, some of which weren't answered the way we wanted, but the answers came the way God wanted.  Father ALWAYS knows best.  
We'll continue to pray because, of all the uncertainties in this world, there is a CERTAINTY that is unfailing.....God HEARS and ANSWERS our prayers.

I'm so grateful that this beautiful time of the year gives us plenty of opportunities to be thankful for those things that matter most.....those things that money can't buy.....those things that we'll take to eternity with us.  

"For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,  I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers."  Ephesians 1:15

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