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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Celebrating the Gift of Life

Round and rround she goes, where she stops nobody knows. That's me that I'm talking about. On the road the air again. Yesterday I travelled to Mexico to be a part of sweet family celebrations for my son's 50th birthday. This milestone birthday would seem to big enough to invite the Who's Who folks from far and wide, but I love that my son wanted to have just his immediate family, and thankfully, ME, for a quiet, yet momentous time together of celebrating what's and who's most important to him. If there's anything I know from turning 50, I know it is a "reset" time. when we have the experience and good judgement to know about ourselves and we start to look at the ending of our life from this side -- so gauging our desires and our strengths, we get to adjust, balance and alter any areas that need altering. It's a time of marvels on every hand and great richness and beauty, because our eyes seem to open to the preciousness of where we've come from to where we're going. The length of our days don't seem near as important as the quality of the days and who we're with in those days. I remember 50, and it was great, but a little secret I have for those yet to get there, 60 is even sweeter!

We're already having precious times of reminiscing, and as any youngster would do to their dad at occasions like this -- Ryan is hearing a few over the hill jokes, with a whole lotta' a lot love thrown in. I'm so grateful to be here for this milestone celebration. Today is his birthday eve (tomorrow is the big day -- the 24th). I'll talk more about this birthday man tomorrow, but he already knows how celebrated he is -- with signs around the hotel and 50 red roses in their room and enjoying his favorite food of choice EVER -- Mexican!! Shawntel hasn't missed a thing in giving Ryan an over-the-top celebration of the gift of his life. So many surprises await him.

Here's what "beyond 50 and more" means to me. Life really is a great adventure when you turn life over to the One Who created it. Not to miss out on any assignment He has for me, I watch, chat, ask questions, and listen for strategic divine appointments along the way. Two young Mexican men -- one beside me on my flight to Mexico City and one who drove me to the hotel happened to be "my assignment" for yesterday. I sometimes feel like one of Charlie's Angels asking for their next assignment. LOL! Both men probably wonder what hit them because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to share my "beyond 50 years" wisdom with them about how to make the most of life and love and how to receive God's ultimate best for them.

Both young men have girl friends and both are desiring to marry them soon, which opened up the door to ask about their faith foundation and their trust in God and being the man of God that does the right thing in loving God with all their hearts, so they can love their future wives with all their hearts.

The first young man didn't want to attend church any more because he had looked at people instead of to God. People disappointed him. People let him down. How unfortunate that God is often misjudged by His kids. Kids will disappoint. God doesn't, but still, He gets short-changed by those whose lights have diminished. Oh that we would let His light shine through us so that we make Him famous by the lives we live -- acting and looking like our Heavenly Father.

I like to think that just maybe those two young men were "divine set-ups". God needed a voice to speak His love to them, and yesterday it came in the form of a mama giving a nudge -- actually a shove to push them into the arms of God Who was waiting with arms open wide to two of His beloved sons. I like to think that just maybe their pathway will brighten -- just because someone took the time to bring light to their lives. I like to think I planted a few seeds that just might bring a harvest of blessings to them. It may have seemed I was simply on my way to celebrate my boy, when God threw in a little "divine appointment" for celebrating His life with two of His boys.

So today, Lord? I'm going to be giving thanks for my boy -- but just in case You need another messenger, my hand is raised, Lord.....choose me!

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