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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Train Up A Child in the Way He Should Go

Some people ask me "How do you know scriptures so well? How do you know so many stories from the Bible?" And my response is, "I cut my teeth on the back of a pew." LOL! It was because, from an infant -- our church seemed like our second home. It was our family's "go to" place for fellowship with friends and with God. Sunday School and Youth Meetings were where we played "Sword Drills" (that's a game, using our Bibles, of who could find a particular scripture first and then stand up and read it).

But, a favorite memory and the highlight of many summers, was attending Vacation Bible School (as if we didn't get enough Bible stories during the rest of the year at Sunday School and church). I have fond memories of craft-time, snack time (with Kool Aid and cookies), flannel board stories (yes, that was the old days before all the high tech visuals) and memorizing various scriptures.

Those memories flooded back to me when I was in Tulsa a couple of weeks ago at my home church there. I saw parents feverishly decorating the hallways, classrooms and fellowship hall for the "Mighty Fortress" VBS week coming up. I loved it. The kids were all so excited. That's Claire, my godson's precious little sister, who just had to show me how she helped decorate.

Then, last night, at Elevate Life Church where my kids attend here in Frisco, and where my granddaughter was one of the student leaders, I saw the big finale of VBS, which included the parents. Take a look at that scripture verse that I heard repeated over and over by the kids to know and memorize. Over 600 kids attended VBS this week. To say that I was impressed put it mildly and speaking of high tech -- it sure wasn't like it was for me many moons ago. But, I can tell you this, it's the same "Good News" message of abundant life that Jesus came to give us -- that He is our best friend. I loved it when I kept hearing "Jesus is your best friend" over and over, and that is so true.

The lessons I learned back in the day, the scriptures I memorized, and the stories of faith and trusting in God carried on into my life today. The stories and scriptures are what has sustained and strengthened me in my toughest times and have given me joy and peace in my journey of faith.
I promise you, Moms and Dads, Grandmoms and Grandads, teaching your children about God and His Word, will carry them through to adulthood and even beyond to the families they will have some day. Take the time to invest wisely in them by taking them to church. Talk about God and His love for us at your dinner table. Help them memorize scriptures. When you see them teaching their children one day, you'll be ever grateful for the seeds you planted and then watching the harvest that came up, because you did. That's how I felt last night when I witnessed my granddaughter teaching young children how to love and praise God. Those little eyes and ears were watching and listening. And, they watch and listen in our homes. Keep laying the foundation that will keep them standing strong.
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

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