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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why Am I Still Here?

Other than a few cousins, it occurred to me, yesterday, these two gals have known me almost longer than anyone else. The three of us hung pretty tight, yesterday, on Mom Lydia's 95th birthday. We were ready to throw her a big birthday celebration --after all, 95 years on this earth is worth celebrating -- BIG TIME! But, Mom, preferred the three of us to hang together in her cozy, warm home. I made it to Tulsa by 10 am and it was a day filled with memories which created so much laughter and a few tears, and big discussions about the tomorrows which Mom, quite frankly, continues to ask "Why am I still here?"

Mom (aka mother-in-law) and Karen (aka sister-in-law), and me have been a part of each other's lives through some of the best and worst of times well over 57 years. Mom and my Mom were best of friends that literally prayed my husband and I together from a very early age, and little sister, Karen, three years younger than me, was like our little mascot -- tagging along with us in our teenage years.

Oh, the joys of remembering -- but back to Mom's question "Why am I still here?" Like my Mom, when she was 94 asking the same question, I answered Mom Lydia with these words "Because God isn't finished with you yet. There are more people to pray for -- including me. There are more people to encourage. When He's good and ready, He'll say 'Well done, good and faithful servant -- now it's time to come home for your rewards.'" I loved how that message played out yesterday.

In my FB post, the day before, I asked for those who had been inspired and encouraged by Mom to please send an email to me to give her yesterday on her birthday. The response was overwhelming. Particularly, receiving an email from her Pastor and his wife who were in Berlin, Germany and taking the time to express what a blessing she has been to them and their church family. The sweet emails, phone calls and cards from others brightened her day so much that we never heard her complain one time about pain in her body, which is a miracle as she has been in tremendous pain for months now.

Two different times Mom has had to have a Home Health Nurse -- and each time, (one about 7 years ago and the other assisting her now at this time) not only were the nurses a blessing to her, but she was a blessing to them as she would encourage them and pray for them. Yesterday, both of those nurses, not because of a call of duty, but because of their love and appreciation for Mom, one came by with flowers for her, thanking her for her prayers for her that have been answered (she recently married the man of her dreams), and the other brought a big bowl of candy and declared "This is to tell you that you are the sweetest TREAT EVER!" And, she went on to tell Mom and Karen how much their prayers for her have been answered and how much they have meant to her.

To any one reading this post today, and maybe you're only 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 or like Mom, 95 years old and you're asking "Why am I here?" , the same is true for you -- "You are here to be a blessing, to encourage someone, to pray for someone, to be a light-bearer, and a blessing giver." Maybe it's time to start today -- instead of being just a taker of blessings -BE a GIVER of BLESSINGS! Check YOUR pulse. Feel that heart beating!!!'re still HERE, so you're not done! Now, let's go make something out of that GIFT OF LIFE!!!

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