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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I’m Growing….On Purpose

Who knew that when I headed for Austin on Saturday to be at my grandson’s baseball tournament and celebrate Father’s day with my son and his family, that I just might be growing more than I had planned on in this season of my life. But, I’ve learned that if we don’t want to grow stale, become dormant and start withering up like a plant, we need to KEEP GROWING on purpose.

The family was getting ready to go away a few days and were about to hire a couple of people to attend to Bryson’s animal kingdom while they were away. Since my time is flexible right now, I boldly exclaimed: “Let me do it!” So here I am – attending to 32 animals. Bryson, my 11-year-old trainer set out to model every detail of his animal responsibilities so that I would acquire his skills. Some say “It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks" and I’ll admit – it’s taken some tough encounters with these animal friends that almost convinced me to quit and call in the REAL pros for the job.

Not being on high alert to an enormous longhorn, I got too close to his 6-feet horns wing-span and got whacked in the face. Then, not being the pro that Bryson is, I let the goats overpower me when I was taking their feed bowls out to them and got tangled up and fell. Then there are the chickens that a new brood of seven that has been added to the already 9-chickens. The nine are quite accommodating at night when they go into the chicken coop, but the seven haven’t adapted just yet to the nine and they have to be rustled up and individually caught and put into the coop. Needless to say, I thought this is too much for this gal to take on during this "mature" season of life.

BUT, then, as I always do when life seems to get overwhelming, I muster up those spiritual muscles and apply scriptures that are indelibly imprinted in my heart to remind me WHO I AM and WHOSE I am and I begin to declare “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) And, “I am MORE than a conqueror through Him Who loves me.” (Romans 8:37) And new vitality and vigor come inside me. Yesterday, was VICTORY day as each task I was able to handle with confidence and competence – even gathering up each chicken and putting them into the coop! Whoop! Whoop!

We all have treasures inside of us -- there are skills, talents, and potential that God put there, and it's up to us to grow and develop them. If we don't, we'll find that rocking chair or recliner and just switching channels on the remote control, becoming "that's all there is" to us. We will have stopped growing and when we do, we'll start dying to ambition, risk-taking, living life large, and refusing adventure and excitement.

I'm going to keep learning new skills, reading books, taking internet courses, going to seminars, gleaning from mentors – like my 11-year old Bryson. I refuse to coast through life. I'm purposing to make the moments count -- I'm going to keep on KEEPING ON...I am going to live and grow on purpose and help a lot of other folks GROW ON PURPOSE with me!!!

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