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Thursday, June 21, 2018

It’s Definitely Worth the Wait and THIS READ!

Even though our family has been barbecue connoisseurs from way back, my son started pitching me about the best BBQ EVER here in Austin where people are willing to stand in line for 3-4 hours to get into the walk-up Franklin Barbecue. Bryson and I drove 30 minutes to downtown Austin to pick up the order we would be serving when friends were coming over. I was amped up about this place because I couldn’t imagine any food choice being that good for that kind of wait. Had I not heard the raves, I would have judged this humble place in a lower-end area of town, but the line was as real as my son had said it would be.

Thankfully, for us, they have a convenient 5+ pounds of meat order-in-advance with a $75 deposit and you can pick up your order at the green trailer in back of the walk-up restaurant. Our taste buds peaked from the aroma on the drive home. Once there, we could wait no longer and pried open the packaging and....Oh. My. Goodness. It was worth the trip, and now I understand those words “It is worth the wait!”

The writer of an article about Franklin’s waited for 4+ hours for his meal, and said: “The smoky masterpiece at the end makes the wait well worth it.” And, he went on with tips of how to make the wait worth it while you're waiting:
~~~ Franklin’s doesn’t open until 11 am, but the line starts forming around 8 am and closes around 3 pm, or before when they run out of meat. When it’s gone, it’s gone. The idea of waiting up to four hours for lunch is absurd to some. Everyone gets asked, “Is it really worth the wait?” The answer is the same for everyone “Yes, it’s definitely worth the wait for the meat and for the badge of honor you earn by waiting." Kanye West tried to cut the line, but no "cutting". Only President Obama, because of security, had a "pass".

~~~ Go early so you're in the top 30 and can score the shade of the awning while you wait. Bring chairs (no need to explain). Bring coffee and other drinks in a cooler.

~~~ Plan to be social. The lines are fun. Everyone, newbies and pros, are excited about the forthcoming meal. Many people in line have driven a long way -- even out of state and country.
Keep in mind that the people on either side of you are your buddies for the next four hours or so. Take the opportunity to get to know them. They may become life-long friends!

~~~ Plan on eating in. Sure, you can take it to go, but don't!
If you were in a big hurry to get somewhere, you wouldn’t have just waited for 4 hours for brisket. You’ve made this pilgrimage, put in your hours, now savor the moment and the meat!

This "worth the wait" mindset struck a chord with me -- especially with the waiting games we play at airport security lines, grocery store lines, doctor's office, even at stop lights AND waiting on God for answering our prayers. Here are MY tips for waiting:

~~~ It is worth the wait. Be patient. Getting to our goal and vision and answer to prayer….equates to beautiful rewards. “Let patience finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:4 (I’d say those results are sincerely worth the wait!)

~~~ Being social is certainly a way to spend time wisely while we wait. Time flies when we’re having fun and having fun is getting to know and love others, helping to make their day special, giving encouragement and being a bright light to those who need some sunshine in their day.

~~~ While we're waiting....we might as well stop and smell the roses….er’ slow down and savor the BBQ…’ put down the phone and embrace the present moments instead of dwelling on what's so far up ahead.

There is a ginormous difference in patiently being a "waiter on a mission" that pleases God when we are patient for His ALWAYS PERFECT timing that provides what we need -- when we need it! We might as well settle into the moment, into the cozy chair in the quiet corner to savor being present with Him.

He promised in Isaiah 40:31 "Those who WAIT for the LORD will gain new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weary." And, in Psalms 27:14, "Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD."

So, today, let's just deal with it....because when God's light turns green for us.....we will surely declare.."It was worth the wait!"

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