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Monday, July 2, 2018

Trust Me -- I Have a Purpose Here!

I know that with all the “He said. She said. They said.” craziness in the news, and even with those folks close to us, it makes us wonder “Who CAN we trust these days?” We think, “If that reputable, above-reproach guy or gal that I held in such high esteem could be caught in an immoral or questionable situation, how can I trust anyone?”

But, just think about those we DO trust, without even giving it a second thought. We trust pharmacists to give us the right medication from a prescription. We trust pilots, we don't know, to safely take us to the right destination, believing that they know how to fly that big bird! While driving down the highway, we trust our lives to engineers and road construction crews, believing the bridges will hold. We trust when we make that deposit into our bank account, that those funds will be there when we need to use them. That’s a lot of trust in the unknown, on so many levels.

Of most concern is we even have trouble trusting God. People will say, "I can't see Him, so it’s hard for me to believe." Do we see the engineers who designed the bridge? Do we know the pilots? Do we really know what the pharmacist is putting into our medicine bottles? Do we know that the bank teller put our funds into the right account? Not usually. Yet God, our Creator and the One Who knows all about us (our past, our present and our future) and Who loves us so unconditionally, is often the One we trust the least. It just doesn't make sense to trust imperfect men and not to trust a perfect God.

I have several close friends who are toughing out some very difficult situations in their lives right now, and to say “Trust God. He has a purpose for what you’re going through” sounds almost trite, but it is the absolute truth of the matter. Trust believes that if we don’t get what we need or want, today, that God still is working out all the details of our lives for our good.

Case in point: my dear friend who was running for election to a public office, sincerely believed, with all her heart, that she was going to win the race. She trusted God for the outcome. The election took place and she fell short on the votes needed. Her reaction? “God is still on the throne and all things work together for good to those who love God." That’s bold, unconquerable, fearless TRUST. Trusting God when the outcome “isn’t as planned” in our eyes, but is “right on target” with God’s plans and purposes for us. God knows that if that door didn’t shut, we would never walk through the perfectly designed door that He has perfectly planned for us. His ways are so much higher than our ways!

Trust….when skies are blue and birds are singing. Trust….when ominous clouds loom and when storms are coming. Instead of hearing "You have such little faith." (Matthew 8:26) ....let's determine to hear "I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." (Matthew 8:10)

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