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Sunday, July 1, 2018

WANTED for Stealin' Farrah's Hair

I love it when my FB timeline pops up with one of my old posts or a photo that someone posts of me that floods me with some precious AND some crazeeee memories. This photo was from a Western Party that I attended a few years ago. I was on the WANTED list for stealin' Farrah's Hair -- $50,000 Reward. LOL! Actually, that hairdo did come from Farrah's era (the late 60s & 70s). I guess I was a Farrah-wanna-be -- well, at least her hair and maybe I had an attachment to Ryan O’Neal – her love interest for many years -- so much so we named our son, Ryan! Another – LOL!

Where I'm going with today's post isn't about Farrah OR her hair. It's about being wanted. I don’t know your history -- how you came to be here at this place and at this time. I don't know if you were ever rejected and made to feel UNWANTED. I don't know if you were a "wallflower" at that school dance or if you had a long line of fellas waiting to dance with you. I don't know if you've received a pink slip after pink slip on jobs that just didn't click for you. I don't know if the love of your life walked out on you for another or if you've never known the love of your life. But I do know this: YOU ARE WANTED!!!

Before you were conceived in your mother's womb, the God of the Universe planned you – each intricate detail of you and gave you breath. Your life is His proclamation of "I want him/her in this world at this specific time, in this specific place, for reasons that only he/she can fulfill."

When God was handcrafting and designing you -- His Masterpiece, He included your strengths, your talents, your gifts, your eyes, your nose, your goofiness or your seriousness. He put it all together and created the miracle of YOU!

Whatever has happened along the way of your journey to this day, His purpose for you still remains strong. God is still saying “You are WANTED". He is still saying “There is a purpose for you being here and I have plans for you -- to prosper you and not harm you -- plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Don't ever listen to the lies of the thief who wants to steal you of your wantedness. Rejection is a thief and a liar. Don't listen to him when he tries to convince you you've failed too many times or you've messed up too much. That you took a wrong turn somewhere and you can never get back on track. That there is something “wrong” with you or everything in your life would be right. Just don't listen to those lies.

Instead, lean into your Father -- the ONE that made you and brought you here to this place at this time. Let Him tell you again, “You are mine. You are chosen. You are accepted. You are cherished. You are my prized possession -- my masterpiece."
Yes, YOU ARE WANTED -- but for how much? You are PRICELESS -- a one-of-a-kind ORIGINAL. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

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