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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hang On!! Help is Coming!!

Yesterday morning was wonderfully cooler and cloudy so Bentley (the family dog) and I embraced the opportunity to just bathe in God’s creative beauty from the patio. As I looked out at the hills of Austin, immediately the scripture in Psalm 121:1,2 came to mind: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” THAT’S the answer yesterday, today and forever to our plea for help in the moment of distress, worry, concern, fear, and pain. That scripture is our emergency 911 call number 24/7. It should be our first line-of-defense – NOT when all else fails. We are reminded many times in God’s Word to “Seek FIRST….the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things (finances, healing of relationships, physical healing, decision-making), will be added to us.

I know there are those of us who have a built-in positive attitude. We are like the little engine that pushed up THAT hill saying “I think I can. I think I can.” And, indeed a positive attitude is what we achieve when we get the right order: First God, in first place in all matters of our lives. Not just "I think I can", I KNOW "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. My HELP comes from the Lord.

My "teacher" instincts drive me to know more about scriptures and their meaning. I checked out this one from a Bible commentary. This chapter was called the Song of Ascents as Jews made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem for annual feast days. With that in mind, it is plain to see that this is a pilgrim's song that speaks of the dangers of the journey, and of the help, God provides along the way. This verse is first a cry of despair. "Where does my help come from?" Obviously, there is danger lurking in the hills above and is waiting for an opportunity to pounce upon the weary traveler. When that happens, where can the pilgrim turn to for help? The psalmist answers his own question by reminding us that "the Lord is our help"!

Yesterday morning, I wasn’t worshipping the hills I saw, but I was certainly appreciating their beauty as I worshipped my Father Who created them. Here’s the value of looking to God for help. Like I said earlier, He is available to us 24/7. He is always with us. Relying on friends for advice and comfort can be a problem. They are not always there when we need them. But, God is!

We are all pilgrims on our own pilgrimage that began the very moment that we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior and it will continue until we step out of this life and into eternity. In the meantime, we're still here and no doubt there are dangers lurking all around. There are enemies that desire to rob us of peace, joy, and victory. There are problems that try to strip us of trusting in God’s power. I've been through those difficult times myself. Times when dangers surrounded my life and I wondered where my help would come from. You might be there right now! If so, maybe you're the reason for God giving me these words today. Please take them to heart. The HELP the Psalmist is referring to is the source of help Who is greater than any problem we can imagine. The HELP is our friend, our ally, our Father AND the Creator of the hills and the universe. If God can make this world, then surely, He has the power to take care of me! Our Helper is none other than the very One who stood on the edge of nothing and made everything with His words. Hang On. Our HELP comes from the Lord and HELP is coming!none other than the very One who stood on the edge of nothing and made everything with His words. Hang On. Our HELP comes from the Lord and HELP is coming!

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