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Friday, June 29, 2018

Allll Aboard -- for the Joy-of-Life Bandwagon!

Yesterday is gone and THIS IS THE DAY the Lord has made, so let's be JOY-full and be glad for it!

When you’ve had as many DAYS on this earth as I’ve had, you recognize each new day as a blessed day of start-overs, do-overs, rejoice-overs and be-glad-in-it overs. I live in a 55+ community and when we say to each other “Good Morning! How are you doing today?”, you'll usually hear “GREAT! I woke up. I'm still here!" LOL! So if we’re still here – whatever age we are -- that means that God has plans and purposes for us to fulfill in this new day. My favorite "life" quote is: “If I'm not dead; I'm not done!” So that means I must be the best and do the best I can at who God created me to be each and every day.

Being my best is riding daily on the joy-of-life bandwagon – not only for my good which invigorates me and gives me purpose, but to help others (those who get all caught up in the seriousness and practical demands of life) get back the joy of life, too. You know those folks that wake up on the wrong side of the bed. They get so focused on making a living, that they succumb to life by living each day in an almost robotic routine. They forget the child within them and they lose a lot of the flavor and spice of life. They don’t stop to smell the roses, to be struck with wonder anymore, like they did as children. I love this photo of the little girl chasing the chickens -- that's the closest photo I could find that defines me in my wild chicken chases!! I purpose to be the last one standing!

I never want to EVER lose that youthful pleasure and joy of life throughout the entire length of my life. Here's why I'm campaigning for a fully occupied joy-of-life bandwagon with others who want to live audaciously, free of the dismal, woe-is-me hang-ups. I love being silly with my friends, my children, and my grand-kids. I love belly laughing with them. Since I’ve been caring for all these animals, I’ve been belly laughing so much at myself and with others who are laughing with me. Last night, another two of the hens were out and this morning another of the smaller hens was out. I'm so silly that I like to think that God and my mischievous husband are the masterminds behind these little chicken culprits. They're probably belly laughing in heaven as they watch me tearing through the bushes after them.

You might ask me the secret to waking each day with being intentional with joy. It’s the same as when a friend of mine was expressing some major health concerns she was having. Not because she had issues, but her family had them, and now she was fearing the same thing would happen to her. I gave her many scriptures to take like they were a prescription daily – speaking to her body and mind with God’s promises and words. The same with me -- when I start to feel depleted of joy…I take a “God’s Word” scripture “The joy of the Lord is my strength” Nehemiah 8:10; "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy." Psalm 16:11

Here's the truth of the matter -- none of us are free from life’s challenges, tragedies, pressures, or even suffering. We have known the sorrow of loss, the fears, and challenges of illness, but we don't have to allow any of those things to crush our child-like playfulness. We can prove that true joy and happiness can even be experienced in the midst of life’s challenges.

Being more like the “little children” that Jesus encouraged us to be to enter the Kingdom of God just may be the attitude of living life fully, with great joy and gusto, too!

I've got a seat reserved for you on the joy-of-life bandwagon with me.. Come on. Get on board! The ride is oh so sweet.....and hilarious. Just maybe you'll see a frenzied, but joy-filled blonde-haired lady chasing chickens down the road!! It will be worth the ride!

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