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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Gridlock Traffic or the Autobahn?

Years ago, my husband won an 8-day, all expenses paid trip for us to Malmo, Sweden to attend the Solheim Cup with the LPGA women. It was one of the highlights of our lives and besides being there for the Europe/USA Solheim Cup, we were able to venture out on our own pre-tournament. One adventure was taking an overnight ferry to Riedstadt, Germany then taking a taxi that drove the Autobahn to get us to the train station to get to Berlin. What a wild and crazy ride that was, compared to the 3-wheel bike taxi we took in Berlin!

On the Autobahn, there are sections with no speed limit which means speeding cars can suddenly appear out of nowhere and zoom past you at speeds exceeding 100 mph. You may be doing the “recommended” speed of 80 mph and see German drivers passing you as if you were standing still. Oh. My. Goodness. Our driver was weaving around cars like a race car driver.

Fast forward to my living in the metropolitan area of Dallas tollways and highways, and besides the usual daily morning and evening traffic, you’ll find gridlock traffic (no vehicular movement possible).

Life is really a journey, isn’t it? From the fast lanes to the gridlock traffic. On one hand, we are moving about at breakneck speed – connecting all the dots with no interference, getting our to-do lists and our daily routines done and out of the way. We are in robotic mode of getting up, getting on with our day with no surprises and no mammoth undertakings to handle. Sometimes the scenery changes and we might ride with someone new, having fun, enjoying the people and the ride, but sometimes, in retrospect, it may feel like being in the fast lane keeps us from really enjoying the scenery, the beauty of the moments, the kiss that is more than a peck, the hug that lasts more than a moment, the deep breaths and exhaling all the concerns and worries of each day. Today I want you to know that God is calling us to park the car for a few moments and turn off the noise, escape the crowds, and listen to His gentle voice beckoning us to a life filled with joy and great purpose. If we were riding along on the Autobahn this morning and we suddenly realized that it’s not getting us where we need to go, then we know we need to do something. If we are hearing God’s voice calling us to a journey that “notices, embraces and treasures” the moments of the journey, then we need to slow down.

When God is made part of our daily “rides”, whether there is smooth sailing and, in fact, making progress in every area of life, or whether our “rides” turn up with gridlock traffic that halts our best-laid-plans and gives us heart-breaking surprises – it is still a vital part of our life journey. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, we never learn much about ourselves during our times of victory (the times of Autobahn speed and getting to our destination way ahead of schedule), but who we are and what we're really made of are in those gridlock traffic times of challenge when we're forced to slow down and look deep in our hearts and look to God for His support, guidance, and wisdom.

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

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