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Monday, January 28, 2019

Our Great Creator and Entertainer

My typical Sunday morning routine is to listen to an online church service or Christian video while I'm endeavoring to “beautify” myself -- hair, make-up, clothes selection, etc. Yesterday, my search left me wanting, so I stopped looking. I promptly apologized to God and said, “How could I be looking for something to entertain me when you are the “Great Entertainer” Who brings me so much amusement and enjoyment!

The Entertainer of the Year at the Country Music Awards or Grammys is announced when a single or group wins the accolades of fans who vote them in because of their talents. I love it when I hear the performers give all the credit to God for their abilities and fame. They are giving credit where credit is due when they do that -- like when John the Baptist announced “I must decrease. He must increase!” (John 3:30).

God our Creator, deserves all the glory and praise because He created everything, including you and me. Maybe it sounds irreverent to call Him the Great Entertainer but how could I think otherwise when I realize He entertains me with the wonder and beauty of His creation. He entertains me through my friends and family. He entertains me when He nudges me in the direction I should go. And, here’s one I hadn’t thought about until Sunday morning -- He entertains me when I’m sleeping and gives me sweet rest and sometimes gives me dreams. In fact, He entertained me Saturday night when I dreamed that Jesus was dead and lying on a slab. People were with me and we were mourning His death when all of sudden His eyes opened up and we started cheering and shouting “Jesus is alive! Jesus is alive!”

I’m thinking the Jesus I saw in that dream was probably Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”. Jim’s parents attend my church here in Frisco and I remember hearing his testimony about how, during the filming of the movie, that he was hit with lightning at precisely the time of the crucifixion and on the cross. He had a near-death experience. It was captured on film and his realistic acting wasn’t acting at all. He lived through it to tell the story. Talk about God being the Great Entertainer!

He continues to entertain us as we watch the shenanigans of the enemy who is making such a fool of himself in the political and Hollywood arenas. That’s how we should look at the enemy – a weak, fearful, screwed up (as written by C.S. Lewis’ “Screwtape Letters”) and near-to-his-end. We will certainly be entertained by giving him the “last laugh” one day.

It’s time we put God on the pedestal and give Him the honor, the glory, and the praise that He is most worthy of because He is truly the incomparable, undeniable, indescribable GREAT Entertainer Who surprises us each day with His newest and greatest performances. He’ll make us laugh and we’ll cry with the thrills of His beneficent mercy and grace. He made all of this just for us! Perhaps it’s time to switch off the social media, TV, and the voices that endeavor to drown Him out. When we do that….we’ll most likely realize “There’s no business, like God’s show business…..because He shows out every day!”

But put your hope in God, Who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. (1 Timothy 6:17).

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