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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Last Bite. The Last Word.

My husband was a food-of-any-kind connoisseur. He actually treated his meals like an art form. Once he’d try every different food item on his plate, he’d determine which was his favorite. He’d ensure his favorite bite was his last bite on his plate so he could savor that taste as long as possible afterward. I can still see him smacking his lips after that bite.

While I was thinking about the last bite, I started thinking about our last words. Don't we want them to be those tasty morsels of delectable and sweet words of love so that we’ll never have regrets about the words we said? My sweet Bryson wants to sleep with me when I’m in town. I left Austin for home early this morning while he was still sleeping. I take with me the treasure of the last words he spoke to me before he fell asleep. ”I love you so much, Princess.” And, my last words to him were "I love you so much, my Prince!"

I’m so glad the last words I spoke to my Sweetheart before his graduation to heaven were “Push, Baby, push. I’ll be okay, so go ahead and go home. I love you forever and I’ll see you soon.”

I've learned my lessons well. I’m so glad God has forgiven me for the times my words weren’t so sweet and how, now, He continually reminds me that my last words with a friend or loved one should be LIFE, not death; PEACE, not fear; LOVE, not hate; JOY, not sorrow. We have the opportunity, every day, to leave those sweet words for those around us to savor. Proverbs 16:24 says "Kind words are honey from a honeycomb -- sweet to the soul and healing for the body."

Whether our days run smooth as glass or are rocky and bumpy, may our hearts and our mouths produce "soft and sweet” that if we have to eat them, we'll be eating yummy, delectable treats. What was your last bite today? What were the last words you spoke to someone? What are they savoring?

"Kind words are like honey -- sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24

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