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Monday, February 4, 2019

When Everyone Plays, We All Win

This photo on the bottom left is one of my favorites. It was taken four years ago in Suncadia, WA when my two youngest grandsons, Bryson and Brennan, were ages 8 and 10. Here we are in Austin, TX four years later and they granted my wishes for a “nana” photo opportunity before heading out to church yesterday morning.

I treasure the rare "brotherly love" moments in both locations. Not rare in the sense that they really love each other, but they are, after all, two normal boys that can easily get on each other's nerves if their buttons are pushed just right! But when push comes to shove, these two would be there for each other. No question. We all need each other – REALLY NEED each other for pats-on-the-back, high 5’s, accountability, encouragement, and especially praying for each other.

An X-Box commercial aired in December and was played last night as a Super Bowl ad. The true story is about two 9-year-old Texas boys who met in kindergarten and have been best friends ever since. Their friendship was captured in the Microsoft commercial where Owen, who has a rare genetic disorder called Escobar Syndrome that causes him to have tight joints and muscles plays with an adaptive controller. Owen has had 33 corrective surgeries to correct his ankles and knees and a lot more on his spine. Microsoft heard about the boys and put out the commercial that shows Owen's friend and other children from the neighborhood coming together to rally behind Owen as he plays a video game with the adaptive controller. He wins and the kids cheer for him as he stands up from his wheelchair to dance with his friends. We deemed it our favorite Super Bowl commercial last night. “Rejoice with those who rejoice.” (Romans 12:15)

Bottom line, each of us can be better because of someone else's influence. God purposefully created each of us with special gifts and insights. He made each of us with a need for each other. Despite our many differences, we have so much in common:
Each of us is God's child, made in His image.
Each of us wants to love and be loved.
Each of us has hopes and dreams.
Each of us has talents and gifts.
Each of us has joys and sorrows.
Each of us is a work in progress. (Please be patient with me -- God's not finished with me yet!)
Ecclesiastes 5:9-10 "Two are better than one...if one falls down, his friend can help him up."

God intended us to be “better together” -- caring for each other, reaching out to those in need and loving them — with our words, our time, and our resources. We are not meant to be alone. Truly, we are better together.

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