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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Before You Were Born, You Were Set Apart

On Fridays, I attend a Book of Galatians Bible Study. During the week before, we complete the homework of the session and during class, we go around our table and provide our answers to the questions. Yesterday, at my turn, the question was: “In verse 15 (of Galatians 1), Paul says "God chose me before I was born”. What does this teach us about the call of God?”

I was excited to respond to this question because, when I first read it, I knew the answer. Those “before I was born” words gave it away. I knew Paul often referred, in his writings, to scriptures from the Old Testament. I remembered Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Paul knew that he had been called from his mother’s womb – which meant that Paul was PRO-LIFE! I am PRO-LIFE because I believe that I, too, was called from my mother’s womb, and, so were you! My mom wasn’t excited when she heard that she was pregnant (12 years after having my sister). She thought she was done with child-bearing and could have been one of those who chose death over life. But, thank God, she chose life and not only was I her “baby” all 94 years of her life, but she was my ministry "baby" after my dad passed away. God set me apart to be her caregiver, and I thank God for that privilege.

I thought back to the National Pro-Life Prayer Luncheon that I attended on Monday. I was there to support LIFE and help provide God-given options to those who were making the decision to bring (or not bring) their baby full term to life. To say that I was proud to be counted among those men and women who are for life from conception puts it mildly. It is heart-wrenching to think that anyone could believe otherwise, especially when we read Paul’s and Jeremiah’s words that speak of the calling of God on our lives BEFORE we were we were even formed in our mothers' wombs.

A beautiful man, who is a stay-at-home dad for his family, sits next to me with his two-month-old baby girl. I chose that seat from the outset of the study. He gives me the joy of cuddling his little angel during the study. Be still, my heart! He commented after the response to my question: “Just think about the babies who have been killed by abortion whose lives were stolen from being prophets to our nation!”

You’ve probably heard about the “Unplanned” movie coming out on March 29th which reveals the story of former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director, Abby Johnson, who was responsible for convincing 22,000+ women to have abortions. She had never seen an abortion from an ultrasound until her clinic was short a staff member and needed her to hold the scope for the abortionist. She was devastated at what she saw, went on to resign, became a Pro-Life advocate, wrote a book that fully disclosed the horror and was later approached by movie directors to produce the movie. She, and the actress, Ashley Bratcher, who plays her in the movie, gave their stories at the luncheon. Most compelling was hearing Ashley tell her mother's story. She knew that her mother had an abortion at age 16, but her mother also revealed that she almost had an abortion at 19 when she was pregnant with Ashley. She said her mom was at the abortion clinic in the examination room, but changed her mind when a pregnant nurse entered the room. "I got up and I walked out and I chose you," Bratcher recalled her mom saying, "And I never knew that. It blows my mind."

I share this story with you today because my heart is so torn to know we live in a city, a state, a country where abortion is just casual conversation. It is a birth-control measure, instead of being a people who are responsible, caring about God’s Word, His words of life – like Jeremiah 1:5. "Before I formed YOU -- I set you be LIFE-GIVERS!

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