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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Expanding Our Horizons

Yesterday morning, my daughter and I reminisced as we took a road trip to Tulsa, which included spending time with Mom (aka Granny). The highlight of visiting 96-year-old Granny was when she suddenly started speaking words of great wisdom into Staci for her life and ministry -- treasured words that will be forever imprinted in Staci's heart. That of itself made the trip worth it.

Back in the 90s, I was Staci’s travel companion. Often, we traveled by air and other times, we traveled in our high top van all over the country and Canada. She would take the wheel and I would sleep on the bed in the back and vice versa when it was my turn to drive. We covered a lot of territory in that van and touched many lives at the ministry and motivational events where she sang, spoke and shared Christ's Good News.

Our lives together have never been stuck in a rut. This girl has kept me on-the-go, even to today as I am still greatly involved in her ministry which has continued on in so many ways.

Yesterday, as we reminisced about so many lives that were changed by God’s wonder-working power, I recalled an old song we sang that reminded us to remember God's faithfulness:
"He’ll do it again. Just take a look at where you are now
And where you have been.
Hasn’t He always come through for you,
He’s the same now as then,
You may not know how. You may not know when.
He’ll do it again.

To look back at some of those “where you have been” and “He’ll do it again” blessings, I took along the newsletters (way before social media) that we distributed, far and wide, from our make-shift offices in our garage. Oh, the places we went; oh, the lives of so many people that were radically transformed; oh, the lessons we learned and oh the joys of serving God.

Many seeds were planted in those days, months and years. We also experienced the joys of harvest time. We've come a long way, Baby! Now so many of those transformed lives are making a difference in the world. Staci and her precious husband, Larry, are 100% focused on changing lives. That little ministry that started in a renovated garage has expanded to nations today.

My post today isn’t about a focus on my girl or her love for God, serving Him and helping people to know Him more, though it’s worthy of focus. I wanted to impress upon you to reminisce about the goodness of God in your life. We don’t look back with wishing we could go back. We look back to count our blessings. So many seemingly impossible situations became possible. We realize there are possibilities available to us when we reach beyond where we are and allow inspiration to move to the forefront again. Who wants to be stodgy, dull and uninspired? Not me!

Matthew 13:15 says “For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed." Maybe it’s time for you to take a road trip and reminisce about the drive and determination you once had and ask God to light a fire under you again. We’re still here so we’re not done running our races with zeal and making sure we impact many along the way!

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