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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Calling All Mountain Climbers and Mountain Movers!

It seems everywhere we look, there are unconquerable mountains in front of us – both in the natural and the spiritual. This photo prompted me to write this blog. Mountains symbolize obstacles, immovability, challenges -- and if it’s a mountain the size of Kilimanjaro -- maybe hopelessness. But mountains also symbolize conquering, overcoming obstacles, making progress and winning some really huge victories!

Mountain-moving faith is possible because Jesus said so: “I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.” (Mark 11:23). Jesus meant those words as a catalyst for us to get out of our hopeless mindset and into “Nothing is impossible with God", so, Lord, please give me that mountain-moving mindset!

We are meant to move mountains and see the impossible occur through faith in the unending promises of our sovereign Lord. Maybe there are some who are reading this blog and you have some personal mountains that need to be moved. God is in the mountain-moving business. Don’t doubt or underestimate what He wants to do in your life. You do your part in “climbing in faith” and He'll do His part in moving the mountain!

In spite of our own personal mountains, we are involved in conquering mountains of a different sort. We are no longer sitting silently about the mountains of negativity, evils, assaults on faith, respect for life and are climbing those mountains, too! We can no longer hide behind the excuse, "I don't want to get involved." Whether we like it or not, we are involved. The real question is "whose" morality will prevail. Whose mountains will crumble?

We’ve already seen the great outpouring of people who attended the movie “Unplanned”. This headline came out yesterday after the box office totals were revealed: “Breakout Box Office Hit: Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’ Edges Out ‘Captain Marvel’ in Key Screen Stat”. Despite opposition from so many media outlets and anti-Pro Life endorsers, it dominated in audience reviews, scoring a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes and earning an A+ rating from CinemaScore. That’s what I call mountain-moving results because we wouldn’t keep silent.

We can't legislate morality, but we can restrain evil and deter wrongdoing. God doesn't need a super-majority, but He does need a humble minority that is willing to look at some mountains with audacious faith and say “Move. Get out of our way!” God's call is not to Washington or Hollywood, but to "if My people humble themselves" (2 Chronicles 7:14).

It's time for us to put on our mountain climbing gear and be willing to climb some mountains and expect to see change – with the common goal of brotherhood and respect for life and each other. Yes, it may seem mountains are looming before us and the sheer magnitude of the mountain makes us feel incapable of going over it, around it or through it. But we're not climbing without the support of unfailing support. God is on our side. As followers of Christ, while incredibly joy-filled and blessed, God clearly allows mountains in our lives – the difficult and narrow path, but He assures us He is walking side-by-side with us. Oh, but in the end, the rewards are so much more than the struggle. Ready to go mountain-climbing with me?

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