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Monday, April 1, 2019

He Brought the House Down

I started typing this post days ago after I awoke in the night and the words “He brought the house down” were going through my head. "What does that mean, Lord?" This scripture came to me: “In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2) Okay, Lord, are you giving me “inside” information that you’re getting my mansion ready in heaven and it’s almost time for me to take ownership?

But, what do You mean, “He brought the house down”? I’ve only heard those words when someone was so entertaining or made us laugh so hard at his jokes, like the time we attended the Yakov Smirnoff Show in Branson, MO with our Aunt and Uncle from Canada. The four of us cried from laughing so hard. Yakov definitely “brought the house down”!

On the same morning, I saw a friend's FB post. Like mine, her husband left for heaven earlier than she planned. She reflected: “Ninety days ago one of the strongest pillars in my life was knocked out from underneath me. This "earthquake" shook my spiritual house just like the Hawaiian earthquake shook our house. The last ninety days taught me some things. I learned that I can be shaken and not fall apart. I learned that I have many pillars holding me up. They are called my family of choice. And I have learned that the only unshakable thing is God Himself. He is my "Always & Forever". He taught me the best time to learn to hula is during the earthquake."

I loved her analogy. It was my real "aha" moment when I read her words "shook my spiritual house". That's it -- our spiritual house is the habitation of God that lives big in us. Literally, God brought the house down and that house lives BIG in us. God has taken up residence in us. Ephesians 2:22 says it this way: “And in Him, you, are being built together to become a habitation in which God lives by His Spirit.” We all know that God has chosen to live in the hearts of His people – you and me. God has taken up permanent residence in us. Like this little girl in the photo, we can also say: "I know where God lives!"

Yes, God is everywhere, but, His Word says we are His permanent dwelling place. God began to live in us when we first gave our hearts to Jesus. At that moment, Christ's presence filled our being. Jesus said, "I am in my Father. If a man loves Me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him" (John 14:20-23). Wow! I get it, Lord! Thanks for the reminder. You brought the house down into me. I better make sure I clean house often to make sure it's a holy habitation worthy of Your presence.

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