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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Water for our Thirsty Souls

Bryson, my youngest grandson, and I were sitting on the deck overlooking the Sea of Cortez. We were talking about a tsunami and the devastation that it can cause. Then he asks me: "What is it that you can’t live without, but it can also kill you?” My “thinker” kicked in and I said: “WATER!” He pondered out loud: “Wonder what it feels like to be drowning?” Me: “Well, have you ever been stuck underwater and couldn’t get a breath?” Without hesitation, Bryson replies: “Oh, yes, it’s called brothers!”

Oh, that boy! The fact is water makes up about 70 percent of our body. It’s a crucial ingredient that helps our brain think, blood flow, and our muscles move. But what happens after we sweat through an aerobics class, spend a day at the beach, or simply ignore our thirst? Dehydration, and it's different for everyone. It depends on how much we’re exercising, the temperature around us, and how much we sweat, but it can get dangerous quick. Suddenly, I’m very thirsty. I just paused to get a bottle of water!

No matter if it comes from a bottle with a brand name or the faucet in our home or mountain spring, water can improve our physical health. But, it can't grant us peace and joy in this life, as well as eternal life. Jesus brought a whole new meaning to water – it is essential in the natural and it is essential in the spiritual. In John 4:5-42, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Referring to the actual well of Jacob, Jesus says “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again.” He was referring to every well, stream, lake and source of fresh liquid water. But to the woman and to you and me, Jesus tells us where the real, true fountain of “youth” (the joy and peace that spring up from within) and eternal life is, by saying, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give, you will never thirst. The water that I shall give will become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” Jesus calls the water that He gives living water.

Unlike bottled water at the convenience store, we can't just go and buy the living water of the Holy Spirit. Something more is required. That something is becoming clean and pure by the cleansing of the Holy Spirit. We put so much emphasis on keeping things clean in our homes. We wash everything: our clothes, dishes, hands, bodies, even our water. It’s not enough that it gets purified at the water treatment plant, it has to be filtered and purified again.

So, we ask, “Do I give as much attention to the cleansing and purification of my soul as I do with my body from germs?” Let's return to Jacob’s well for a moment – perhaps your well is represented by your church or a small group or even in your daily devotions – the places to go to encounter Christ and drink of the living water of the Holy Spirit. And most beautiful, are the waters of baptism that represents the old man and all his sins are washed away and a new man arises to abundant life in Christ here and for eternity.

Don’t be fooled, those cheap imitations in fancy brand-named bottles can quench a thirst in the heat, but nothing compares to drinking at the springs of living water that only Jesus can provide!

Isaiah 44:3 "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants."

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