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Friday, April 12, 2019

My Fear Doesn't Stand a Chance When I Stand in Your Love

My morning routine -- make my daily blog post, check emails, scroll through my social media, encourage and pray for those who reflect they need “team” support and prayer. A valiant, warrior mom’s post stopped me in my tracks yesterday.

This most amazing wife and mom has fought the good fight of faith for her precious son for many years. She is typically in full on battle mode as she keeps him comfortable, celebrates his victories (often a smile does that), dotes on him and does everything she can to help him thrive. But this day, she says (in an excerpt from her post): “Today was one of those days that I feel like I’m in a shoot for a movie that I never signed up for a role in. The doctor is talking...I know he’s looking at me and saying things that I’m supposed to remember but all I can feel is the storm. Three people all looking at me in a doctor’s office. Waiting. Waiting for me to make the call. I can’t even remember what the choices were. If that’s what you even want to call them.
Why do I have to make the choice? I’m not ready. What did you say? My husband isn’t here. Why? Why us? Why more? All the while looking around the room in a half daze like where are the cameras? There must be cameras here because this doesn’t happen in real life. Touché. Oh, how I wish this cup could pass us. I feel like I’m starting to lose hope. I feel like this war we have been faithfully waging will never be won. I’m tired of having bad days more than we have good days.”

Early this morning, I was hearing (in my head) Josh Baldwin’s song: “Stand in Your Love”. I thought about the lyrics when I read this friend’s post so I commented: “I know why I was thinking about this song this morning before I read your post. Sweet girl! You are such a valiant warrior and a most amazing mother to this precious little man! We continue to stand and when we've done all to stand -- we keep standing because we're standing in God's love! Listen to this song because I know it will minister to you! Love you so much!

I don’t typically pass along someone’s post, but this day I sensed there are others who feel just like my friend. You’ve been given news that has jolted you. You are overcome with pressures and concerns about what today and tomorrow will hold for you and your loved one. You are ready to throw in the towel and give up. The strong faith you once had feels like it has drained entirely out of you. You, too, are ridden with starting to lose hope and you think the war you are waging will never be won.

I tell you what I told this sweet friend. STAND!!! Don’t give up! God is saying “Hold on, My child! Weeping lasts for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)

I believe Josh Baldwin’s song lyrics are for you today, too:
When darkness tries to roll over my bones;
When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own;
When brokenness and pain is all I know;
Oh, I won't be shaken, no, I won't be shaken.

My fear doesn't stand a chance;
When I stand in Your love.

The good news is this sweet mama put her combat boots back on and she is standing strong another day – for a miracle. I love her Facebook banner. It says: “Expect a miracle. All things are possible.” And I speak that to you, too, mighty warriors! You and God have got this! You are an overcomer and are equipped for victory! Tough times don't last, but tough people, with God's help, do!

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