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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Moms! Let it Go and Let it Grow!

I'm sitting at my desk in Radiology at Children's Hospital and hear playing "Let it Go" on the tv monitors in the waiting room. How many times have I heard that song from "Frozen" and from messages I've heard about letting unnecessary stuff go?

But, this day, I'm thinking about Mother's Day and from what I've learned, "What would I tell my 18-year-old self when I first became a young mom?" I would tell her: "You may be new at this but practice makes perfect so LET IT GROW!"

I wasn't athletically inclined. No sports for me. Though I wanted to be "that" girl who stood out and won awards for her team, I didn't even try to go there. But, athleticism kicked in for me many years later when I started running. I learned that God made our bodies in a way that we can't expect to be an athlete with only an "I wish I could" mentality. Years ago, a group of us walked the 5K in honor of my husband who couldn't walk at all. After that, my son's marathon trainer said: "Your son's long, athletic legs came from you! It's time for you to start running!" At first, I thought she was kidding or crazy, but before long I started training. It started with building endurance. Then I was ready to run a mile. The first day I walked and ran, the next day I walked a little faster, and eventually, I could run a mile. Before long, I was ready to run my first 13.5-mile half-marathon.

I wish someone would have told me about endurance in motherhood! It takes endurance, practice, work, consistency, and exhaustion to grow into mothering with wisdom and maturity and grace and gentleness. I found the more I practiced, the stronger I became, step by step, slow and steady, learning, doing, listening to older moms, staying closely knit with the Lord and relying on His Holy Spirit, the better I got.

There is a reason Scripture talks about older women teaching younger women (Titus 2:4-5) to keep on and that's what this older woman is saying to you today, precious moms! You are NOT failing! It takes time and work and sweat and tears. When I say, it gets better, I don’t just mean it gets easier because your kids sleep and are more self-sufficient (although sleep is awesome). It gets better because you get better. You mature. You grow in grace. You are acting out of what you have been given by God. You have been molded and tested, and if you keep on, you will make it. So get your running shoes, pace yourself (oh my goodness, pace yourself), and keep on. You are NOT failing! I'm not saying "Let it go". I am saying "Let it grow!" You're not alone. God is cheering you on and so am I!

James 1:2-4 confirms what God is telling us: "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So LET IT GROW for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

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