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Sunday, May 12, 2019

"They Opened Their Mouths With Wisdom!" Hey Girls! That's You and Me

Happy Mother's Day to all Moms! That includes all women who have been gifted with the "maternal instinct" of nurturing and caring for others. One of the greatest joys in life is to be a mother to my own children and to those God put into my life "to mother". There is something unique and special about how God designed a woman’s heart to love tenderly, teach wisely, and nurture selflessly -- and it's so much more than just my own little brood -- though I'm ever so grateful for each and every one I get to call mine.

I believe that all of us are called to mother another. In that sense, "mother" is a verb, an action, a gift we give to others. We mother whether we’re married or not or whether we’ve ever experienced giving birth or not. We mother those who cross the threshold of our homes and lives. We mother those who reach out to us on social media. We mother because we’re called to it -- throwing out a lifeline to a drowning friend, child, teenager, young mother, a grandmother, or that stranger who we notice is holding on to life for dear life. We mother because we can’t help ourselves. We were born to mother.

We mother because there are people who trust us and our keen awareness that "my life is far greater than us four and no more". We mother those we work, go to school or church with, live next door to or who meet us at the grocery store and need a soft, safe place to land and come undone. We mother because we’ve watched our moms and grandmas take food to someone's home or opened her door to a hurting soul. We mother when someone needs a shoulder to cry on when the negative diagnosis comes or the loved one passes away. We mother when a friend's child runs away from home, and she wants to run away from home, too!

This is what we do. We love with all the genuine affection in our hearts, and we delight in honoring each other. We give ourselves away — little bits and pieces of who we are, of our courage, of our deep faith. We bear down and we find ways to breathe life into people desperate for air. Every single woman who loves, sacrifices, encourages, tends, teaches, cares, raises, praises, shapes, forms, and nurtures, no matter how we come to be connected with them, is doing an amazing, mothering work. And today, Mother's Day, while I celebrate the most amazing mom and mother-in-law and my two amazing daughters of my seven grands, I celebrate you, too! I believe in you and champion you. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Happy Mother’s Day!

Proverbs 31:26 "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."

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