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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

If I Were Rich, I Would......

Have you ever thought those thoughts or played that game?
Well, yesterday morning, I was giving myself a manicure and I thought “If I were rich I know exactly what I would do. I’d go for a manicure AND a pedicure every other week! And, maybe add a massage to that, too!

When I do get to experience that nurturing, I embrace relaxing in the massage chair at the nail salon. Rarely do I go for a massage but when I do, it is a time of knowing that those knots and kinks are going to be worked out. Relief is coming and I’m rejuvenated.

As I finished doing my own nails, I couldn't help but think about the Master's touch on my life and express to Him my gratitude for the ability to even do my own nails. I don’t need to play a game of “If I were rich,” because I am rich. I don’t need someone to nurture me because I am nurtured and loved by God. I am the recipient of the “incomparable riches of His grace” that Paul talked about in Ephesians 2:6-7. “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”

God’s love worked out the knots and kinks of worry, concern, fear, and insecurity in me. He made me whole, both spiritually and emotionally. His healing touch led me to show compassion for others hurting in the same way.

God’s touch on my life set me free to tell others how His touch soothed the rough edges of my heart and set me free to celebrate how He worked out the knots of unforgiveness and helped me to stand strong. Believe me when I say – what you see in my daily blog posts is the work of a Master Massager and Healer and though He doesn’t really fit into the category of manicurist or pedicurist or masseuse, He wraps me in a warm blanket of love and tenderness and holds my hands in the most loving ways and assures me I am His beloved daughter.

Maybe you could use a little nurturing today. Maybe you’d like to step in for a sweet touch from the Master. His faithful love nurtures us, rejuvenates us and gives us relief from the common, everyday pressures of life and the overwhelming, how-can-I-make-it-another-day times. He is waiting to nurture you. It’s His specialty because you are His precious, beloved child.
When we are WHOLE – soul, spirit, and body – we don’t ever have to play the “If I were rich” game ever again, because we are rich beyond measure.

1 John 3:1 “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

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