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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

What Once Was Lost, Now Is Found

It was my son, Larry’s birthday on Sunday and it was a packed-full day. That’s just the way we roll around here on birthdays! After church, it was to his favorite Mexican food restaurant for birthday lunch, opening gifts. Mine were the things I heard him say he needed during our fishing trip, including walkie-talkies (we were in a no-cell-coverage area). His next request -- an afternoon nap. Whoohoo for all of us! I headed to my home and all of us enjoyed sweet rest and relaxation. Before long, their call came for me to come back for the celebrations to continue. It started with more of Larry’s favorites: nachos (obviously this family can’t get enough of Mexican food), watermelon, and my famous chocolate cake – followed by Larry’s favorite family games. Mind you – everything in this day was Larry’s choices and desires, except for the "must wear" sombrero by Staci. He is always such a good sport. It was all on course for the best birthday ever, but, THEN...

I received the call at about 10 pm from Staci: “Mom, pray! We can’t find Emma (their 4-pound Yorkie). We’ve looked all over, called her name, shouted “Treat! Car ride!”, but she’s not here. We’ve driven around, calling her name, but we haven't found her. We prayed for her protection and that someone would find her.” Larry’s birthday didn’t end as planned, for sure. Staci recalled how she and Larry laid in bed staring at the ceiling – feeling helpless, yet hopeful and prayerful.

From my end, I couldn’t sleep thinking about sweet, literally God-given Emma who had brought such joy to this family for so many years. Staci and I text messaged throughout the night because she was on our heart and in our prayers, with words like: "Believing someone will turn her in tomorrow safe and sound, in Jesus' name." "God knows where she is and I pray for her protection." No doubt. No words of unbelief. Only the assurance that God is all-knowing and she'll be home soon!

We refused unbelief and thought God's thoughts: "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (Philippians 4:8) As strange as it sounds -- we were all at peace, yet hoping we would hear good news. No mourning or anxiety at all. Emma is actually Alexia's dog, Staci asked her: "Are you okay?" Alexia responded "Yes, Mom! She's coming back!" I loved her faith and certainty.

We kept those positive thoughts throughout the day. THEN, around 6 pm, Monday night, almost 24-hours later, Larry received a phone call from a lady whose daughter had been over at her friend’s house and saw the cutest little, dressed-in-pink Yorkie. The girl went home, told her mother and because she had seen the Nextdoor app message and photo, she gave Larry the phone number of the people. He called and they went to pick Emma up – who had been loved and cared for and protected for those 24-hours, just as we had prayed. Whether they planned on keeping her or eventually look for her owners, we don’t know, but God knew all along and it all worked out for good. Emma is safely home where she belongs.

I couldn’t help but sing: “Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God. Oh, it chases me down, fights 'til I'm found, leaves the ninety-nine. I couldn't earn it, and I don't deserve it, still, You give Yourself away. Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God." That is the same God Who loves Emma and you and me.

And, I sang “Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found. Was blind but now I see.” Again, the same love of God.

I shared this long, exhaustive story with you today because I know there is a clear message here for you and me. The same God Who cares so much about a little 4-pound Yorkie cares about your 110 to 350-pound self today. He doesn’t give up until you are in the fold with His other sheep. His love, so far beyond any love we could have for our pets or our children or loved ones, is reaching out to you today – to feed you, give you nourishment, speak peace and rest to your weary body and soul, answer even your smallest to largest prayers and concerns. Won’t you come home where you belong?

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