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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Memorial Stones for Remembering

Thank you for your indulgence as I have been in inspiration overload from VBS this week. The end of Day 5 brought mixed emotions: “Aw! We Made it!” and “Oh no! It’s Over!” The latter are my words as this joy-filled week is over and I return to my quiet and peaceful home. The former are words the volunteers (most of who are parents of the children and they’re worn out). I was amused at them yesterday. Most of those mamas who were volunteering have young and teenage children and their lives carry on each day after VBS is over. They aren’t afforded my sweet spot of R&R.

Yesterday was the big finale of our Israelites wandering 40 years in the desert. They wound up at the Jordan River, where, on just the other side was their Promised Land. It was precious to see a re-enactment of the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant up to the edge of the Jordan by kindergartners. When their feet touched the water, the waters parted and they went across on dry ground. Our teen volunteers pulled back the “plastic” waters where there were stones that would be the memorial stones that marked bringing God’s people into the Promised Land. How appropriate for the conclusion of this week. The entire week was a “memorial” indelibly imprinted in their minds and mine. I won’t forget those little faces of wonder and awe.

It may be now, or it may be years down the road, but those memories and memorials that we create in our children DO have an impact on those bright-eyed faces. God Bless you, VBS leaders, crews and volunteers for the eternal investment you are making in the lives of these precious children!

While VBS is a summer staple for families every year, it’s certainly not the end-all. This scripture describes what I see in the labor of love that these families and volunteers provide – way more than just this one week: “You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. Let these words that I’m commanding you today be always on your heart. Teach them repeatedly to your children. Talk about them while sitting in your house or walking on the road, and as you lie down or get up. Tie them as reminders on your forearm, bind them on your forehead, and write them on the door frames of your house and on your gates." (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) That panoramic view is much more descriptive of an endless process of training our children in the way they should go – not just for a week – but every day of the year.

The lessons I learned early on, the scriptures I memorized, and the stories of faith and trust in God carried on into my life today. The stories and scriptures are what sustained and strengthened me in my toughest times and have given me joy and peace in my faith journey. I promise you, teaching your children about God and His Word, will carry them through to adulthood and even beyond to the families they will have some day. When you see them teaching their children one day, you'll be ever grateful for the seeds you planted. That's how I felt this week when I witnessed these children shouting out answers to questions in our Faith Station – that came from more than a week at VBS. Those little eyes and ears were watching and listening this week. They also watch and listen in your homes. Keep laying the foundation that will keep them standing strong. That’s a constant, never-changing message to continue sharing and one that I’m willing to stake my life upon! How about you?

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