This day, July 11, 2019 -- is the BIG ONE! The BIG ONE as in posting my 2,000th blog. Pardon the personal high-fives! 🤚🤚 I’m beyond grateful for God's faithfulness to me to inspire, motivate, encourage, drop nuggets of His fresh Word, opened my eyes to see the beauty in each day and to savor the moments when I would get an “aha” lightning bolt revelation to share with you. Most of all, I am so thankful for those who commented or “secretly” sent me private messages about how one of my posts was “right-on” for what you needed for that day. Thank you to those who privately asked me for counsel and advice and to pray for you. The praise all goes to God! 🙏🙏
On April 26, 2010, I wrote my first-ever blog. It was the beginning of the faith journey of our lives and I knew God wanted me to live our journey out-loud to document the abiding and constant love that we knew that the Father would pour out on us. We wanted our light to brighten the way for others who may have been facing similar situations. We were embarking on travels that were not without God's oversight and provision. While we had always considered our walk with Christ to be an amazing faith journey, with its many twists and turns and ups and downs, we were always secure in knowing He was on board with us, come what may. But, this new road we were on, was one that came out of the clear blue, unexpected and we needed to put on our combat boots and gear to handle this one. We were so full of faith, determination and great expectancy. Here is that first blog, just in case you’re interested in reading it:
If you read it, I know you might think "Bless her heart, with all that faith, their prayers weren't answered.” Oh, contraire! They were answered when he survived the first surgery which the medical industry says is the most life-threatening surgery there is. They were answered when God gave us a first-class medical team -- second to none. They were answered when we laughed and celebrated in the midst of the pain. They were answered when God supplied our needs during the loss of income times. They were answered when friends and family co-partnered with us in prayer, providing meals, and support. They were answered when doctors, nurses, other patients and visitors were touched by the strong courage we maintained. They were answered when the most incredible peace that passed all understanding kept our hearts and minds throughout the journey. And they were answered as this widow still maintains that wholehearted trust in God's faithfulness.
At that time, I was randomly blogging about our faith journey and then in January of 2011, after he passed away, I asked God what my new mission would be for that year. It was as clear as any message I would hear from someone who was face-to-face with me. God nudged me to continue my blogging in my new season of widowhood – to keep letting His light shine in my every day musings. It was still random blogging until 2014 when I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was to make blogging a life mission DAILY, posting before 6 am each day. Not just aimless blogging but mind-of-Christ blogging. Being a social media missionary. Consistently being a light in the darkness. Every day. To start the day. For those who needed some gas-in-their-tank, a fresh word of hope, a breath of fresh air, a reason to live, and the knowing – nothing is impossible with God.
Often, it's all about ME because I need those reasons to start my own day. I know I need to get out of bed on the RIGHT side of being a determined, strong, fearless and powerful woman who believes we were ALL created to make a difference in this world, in our workplaces, in our communities, our schools, our churches and our homes!
Here’s the deal. Aimless, selfish, my four-and-no-more thinking isn’t why God created us. He created us to be the ones to step up and out of our comfort zones and our comfortable homes and comfortable mindsets. Our world needs "behind the scenes prayer warriors", social media missionaries, powerful living-out-loud faith-filled, devil-chasing, armor-bearing believers who light up their corners, workplaces, homes, churches, schools, and even the marketplaces with God’s presence and light.
Maybe you are being nudged by God today – to begin blogging, or volunteering for your church or community center. Pay close attention. If God nudges, we best get after it! And, as we go, I'm quite sure when we open our mouths, it will be filled with God's wisdom, and the teaching of kindness will open doors to bring healing and wholeness to our world -- being peace-makers, joy-givers, hope-bringers, lovers, and compassionate healers!
See you tomorrow, for blog 2,001!
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