Yesterday, my sis-in-law and I caught up on each other's lives. She’s in Tulsa. For now, I’m in Austin. We both have very active, on-the-go families and there’s much to talk about. My years of caring for elderly parents have passed, but she and my bro-in-law are still caring for their 96 and 97-year-old mothers. Though George’s mom is in a skilled care facility with around-the-clock oversight, there are still high demands on his part for attending to her needs outside of that care. And Karen, has my 96-year-old mom-in-law living with her. She updated me on mom’s new hearing aids and now she can hear birds chirping. Thank God! But there are still so many needs in geriatric care. I say those words so respectfully, and you should, too! Unless God chooses otherwise, we'll be there ourselves one day! Karen and I agreed -- it's simply -- taking one day at a time!
Can you imagine how Moses felt – day-after-day spending 40 years in the wilderness? He simply obeyed and heeded God's call. But God, Who specializes in doing the impossible, was with him. He had no choice but to follow the Lord one day at a time, and in the process, God used him to save an entire nation. His greatest strength was knowing he was totally dependent on God. The One Who called Him, enabled him -- one day at a time.
As a young wife, mother, business woman and ministry leader, I remember the stresses that accompanied each station of my life. I remember the desperation in decision-making, the financial hurdles and health challenges. But, even in the anxiety, God's Word would rise up in me: "This is the day the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24), even if nothing changes!” That was my declaration then AND now!
"THIS is the day. Today. Live today. Don't waste today dreaming about tomorrow or reminiscing about the past. Make the most of today. We can't change the past. Yesterday is gone forever. I remember my Mama’s famous line as a single mom raising me: “You can’t get blood out of a turnip!” She was saying “What’s the worst thing that can happen? We still have US! This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
I began to focus on this day -- not the past and not the future. I set my heart on God's will for this day. I determined to be glad in this day. I confess: "I will live for God THIS day. I will overcome by the blood of the Lamb THIS day. I will do my best in everything my hand finds to do THIS day. I will trust God with all my heart THIS day."
Why THIS day? Jesus focused on doing the will of the Father on a daily basis. Jesus’ perfect prayer includes this line: “Give us THIS DAY our daily bread.” I am now living in my tomorrow, but the truth I learned many years ago remains. I still need to plant seeds of obedience for a continual harvest, one day at a time.
In all of life’s changes (and I’ve had many), one thing remains constant. That is the peace that comes from following Him -- one day at a time. If you are going through some difficult times and are uncertain about what tomorrow holds for you -- don't let the joy of THIS day be stolen from you. Take hold of God's hand and His Word, and it will give you the calm and ability to make it through whatever is up ahead -- one day at a time.
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