Happy 4th of July aka Independence Day! And, it's Happy Birthday, America Party Day -- the birth of Democracy! You're looking good, America, to be 243 years old! And what a way to celebrate -- with fireworks, parades, concerts, family get-togethers and barbecues!
Others will celebrate by staying at home with life-as-usual. For some, it may be to tune in to the evening news because, after all, we must see the latest political entertainment. I keep hoping and praying people will settle down and learn to respect each other – to “do unto others as they would have others do unto them”. I wonder if our forefathers had this kind of “independence” in mind when they crafted the Declaration of Independence. That historical moment occurred as a result of wise, committed leaders and followers pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish a foundation where a nation and its people could build their families and future. It came as the result of those seeking the right to worship the living Creator God without restraint from any earthly power, and the right of all citizens to pursue their hopes and dreams with liberty while exercising personal responsibility.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Don’t you love that excerpt from the Declaration of Independence? Democracy was born on this day 243 years ago on July 4th, 1776. Just think of those freedoms that we have that we take so lightly. No wonder thousands leave their homeland in the quest to come to the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. I know immigration laws had to be created because of abuses, but, don’t we need to thank God that we were either born here or were able to immigrate here? Isn't it time we show our gratitude and appreciation to be Americans?
Think about it. This country became prosperous and strong on the backs of immigrants who were yearning to breathe free. This country has always been a beacon of hope, liberty, and freedom. No wonder so many desire to live here. All over the world people dream of a “home” where the government protects them and not abuses them; where people are not punished for what they think or say or write.
The future of freedom is in our hands and rests on our shoulders. Freedom must not die on our watch. If it does, it will be by our own hand because people who claim faith in God remain uninformed, indifferent, and uninvolved. We will have handed freedom over to the destroyer of life and liberty. God forgive us if we do! By prayerfully and boldly uniting together we can celebrate the rebirth of freedom rather than witness the death of it. The future is in our hands. Now is the time to stand up and be counted!
My hope this 4th of July is that we all stop to appreciate our freedoms. I hope and pray that we all begin to think about how we can work together to solve problems, be a part of the solution, not part of the political divide, and promote respect and dignity for all. Remember, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." I wish you all a happy and healthy Independence Day!
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