I amuse myself when I consider what kind of over-the-top, super-Jesus-fanatic I must seem like to those who don’t take their faith walk quite as seriously as I do. I love hanging out with those who talk the same talk and walk the same walk that I do. You know us. Those “Praise the Lord!”, “Thank you, Jesus!”, “Praise God!” cliche-speaking people who take attending church so seriously that we get there at least 30 minutes early to find the closest seats to the front. We’re the ones who attend Bible studies, retreats and serve on ministry and outreach teams. We just can't carry on a conversation without interjecting something about God’s goodness and even quoting a scripture or two. Besides, I know that we BECOME who we hang out with. So I make sure I'm hanging out with loving, kind, compassionate, brilliant, passionate, alive and giving people.
So, on Sunday, I went to two filling-stations for a pick-me-up! First, I attended Life Austin, a non-denominational church where Randy Phillips of the Gospel recording group, Phillips, Craig and Dean, is the pastor. I got caught up in the wonderful music and praise. Then the message on love gave me more reasons to love myself so I can love others stronger. The scripture reference was “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” (Mark 12:39)
I left that service and headed to Emmaus Church where, as you enter the property, you see the statutes of Jesus and the two disciples who were walking on the road to Emmaus. Quickly, you're reminded of the scene of them not recognizing Jesus until He broke bread with them. That is what we do when we break bread in Holy Communion. And I love the enormous cross with Jesus ascending to heaven statute in the sanctuary. I rejoiced in our risen Lord when we sang Hillsong’s “Shout to the Lord all the earth, let us sing”. The pastor spoke on -- guess what! “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” I think God was impressing that message to me. Pastor Samuel shared that the disciples wanted Jesus to rain down fire on the Samaritans and Jesus was so incensed at the disciples’ attitude that he rebuked them for their intolerance and unacceptance of the Samaritans. He urged them to love others. (Luke 9:54) Pastor Samuel said, “It doesn’t sound too different than what our country is like today – intolerant of each other and, quite frankly, we would even like God to rain down fire on those who don’t agree with us." I heard God's "love" message loud and clear!
The "icing on the cake" came at the end. The children just finished their “God is Good” VBS (the same as ours in Frisco) and the children sang their theme song for the congregation. It was worth my efforts to be with God’s people this Sunday morning. It was raining outside and it was raining showers of blessings and bucketloads of God’s faithfulness on me on the inside. Indeed, “I was glad when they said unto me ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:1).
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