It’s official. Today, July 2nd is the 183rd day of the year -- the official middle of the year. Six months have already passed in 2019. It makes me think – how fast time does fly for me these days – compared to my youth when the time went by so slowly for school to end for the summer, or the long-awaited vacation trip we were going to take, or until Christmas would finally get here, or for reaching the double-digit age of 10, or 13 – a teenager, 16 – to be able to drive. It was taking so long before our planned wedding date in September to get here when I would be at least 18 and my sweetheart would be 19, but we couldn’t wait that long – so we moved it up to July 8th – and my mom had to sign for me to get married at 17. And, then, what seemed the longest wait EVER -- nine long months to pass before the birth of our babies!
You know the saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” I had a lot of fun as a kid, but time sure didn’t fly for me. We don’t get to hit a “reset button”, but we DO get to start each new day with the wisdom and knowledge we gained from the past. We're the pilot on this flight and in many ways, it is like a RESET button. Each experience – good and bad, has equipped us to be better, do better and appreciate time more.
I know for young whippersnappers, you think it will be a very long time before you get to my ripe, mature age. I was you. I thought my Aunt Lillie Mae, when she turned age 50, was the oldest old gal ever. And, actually, 50, back then, just did look and act older than we do today. I assure you when I turned 50, I was way too young to act old and you know what, that’s the way I feel at this 70-year mark. I can hardly believe that I could be that number. But, I don’t dwell on age, though I do notice that others seem to respect that age for me as my boys are quick to help me out of the car or carry packages for me. I like that it is respected and I own it! I dwell on living large with every fiber of my being. I’ve said it before…I’ll say it again: “I’m not giving up until I’m taken up!” And whether that is today, tomorrow, or years from now, I will live on purpose to be a devoted follower of Christ from sun-up until sun-down each day and squeeze everything I can out of this life God gave me.
This is the dawn of a new day, today. I know one thing for sure -- we can’t live in the past, and the future isn’t ours to predict. But, we can make minutes, hours and days really count for what matters most. I speak a lot about it, but I repeat, treasure THIS day – make memories for yourself and someone else. Take lots of pictures. I do. I treasure them. Live as if there were no tomorrow. Spread sunshine. Give love and laughter and life to those who need an injection of fun, faith, and friendship. The BAD news -- time flies, but the GOOD news, we're the pilot in the hands of the MASTER PILOT!
And, I assure you, if indeed “Time flies when you’re having fun”, then I must be having a blast!”
Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."
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