"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."
-- The Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 11:1)
I was one of those non-conversational, shy, withdrawn, and lacking self-confidence, kind-of-girl. I had big faith, but little output. I kept my faith to myself. The main reason? The fear of rejection. Sure, I’d invite friends to church with me, but I’d leave the Jesus-talk to the minister. I knew the “Good News” of Jesus, but I was afraid to share it. I worried my friends would reject me because they thought I was a Jesus fanatic.
I overcame those fears when I got me out of my “first place” priority and moved God up to "Numero Uno"! That helped me understand my place in God’s family and allowed me to view the opinions of others with an eternal perspective. That eternal perspective of being a leader who others follow right on to eternity with me!
I’m quite in-your-face when it comes to my blogging. I know it. You don’t have to tell me. I don’t want to impress you, but I do want to impress upon my followers that FIRST PLACE priority. My point isn’t to get more followers. I am just a follower of Jesus. I am just a gal who found out where the living water is and I am trying to share it with others. I am not the source of it, Jesus is. Follow Him.
I just want to write and to share out of the abundance of the life-giving water He gives me every day. I lean on the well and even hang out at the well. I try not to wander too far off from it. I know my track record and I don’t like the feeling of being so thirsty, lacking hope and joy, when I meander away from the well. I will tell you a secret. I don’t know all of the 4,193 friends on my Facebook page. And, all of them don’t really know me. I pray they are following me because they met Jesus face to face in something I blogged about. I am so thankful for that because it is the reason I began blogging in the first place.
It’s time to let God get the glory from what we do and what we say. It is so worthless to rant and rave about things that don't matter in the light of eternity. It is so worthwhile to spread the Good News that has a pay-off of eternal proportions. It’s time to Follow Him so He can say about us: “Hey, you know her/him. She/he started this blog/social media ministry, and now I HAVE ____ followers. Well done good and faithful servant.”
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19) We are meant to catch them and teach them to follow Him not us. It is important to get the message out there, but it shouldn’t be our focus. He is our focus, and our message just keeps getting clearer and clearer!
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