A dear friend of mine is having quite the year. She has faced personal health issues and as the director of an active, vibrant ministry – was loaded up with leading it in a major event, and was tremendously successful at it, I might add. She has two children getting married this year (one this weekend), and has a full-time job -- not to mention all the other hands-on and necessary things she does for God and her family. She has been loaded up, to say the least. A few months ago, I campaigned the troops to get behind her in support. My personal attempts were meager. In the back of my mind, I thought “someone else” will help her because I'm loaded up, too! In fact, I heard of a couple of gals who were helping her which made me feel better.
Fast forward a couple of months when I saw my friend at church and asked. “How are you doing? How are the wedding plans? It won’t be long before it’s all behind you.” My famous last meager and inadequate words of solace. That night, Deacon Alex Barbieri spoke about “Somebody Else”. He explained: “Jesus was very hands-on with His disciples – teaching them about feeding a crowd with just a few loaves and fishes." The disciples seemed to always have self-doubt and were always asking the question: “What about us?” Jesus just kept influencing them by saying “You are up for the challenge. You are bold and courageous." Jesus takes our “measly” remnants to meet us wherever we are and whatever situation we are in. Don’t wait for Plan B. Use what you’ve got right now to help someone. It’s time you make a personal commitment. The DNA of Christians is called "service". Jesus said, ”If you follow Me, the bar is higher." Jesus was saying “Instead of SOMEONE ELSE doing it – YOU do it." There is someone who died and the family needs us. There are immigrants, prisoners, homeless and others who need us, but we keep thinking: “Someone else will take care of them!” Jesus is saying: “JUST DO IT!”
I couldn’t get that message off my mind and my heart. I texted my friend: “I’ve got a free day tomorrow! Can I come over and help you?” Her lightning fast reply was my assurance that I was hearing right. She invited me to come over and help her iron tablecloths for the wedding. Rather, than that, I picked them up and at my home I took care of the job so she had the time to do something else on her busy to-do list. It took me a couple of days for those thirty-one 144” tablecloths to iron and hang – which included my prayers for the wedding and the family. That was eight hours of blessing on both our parts. Tablecloths. A cup of cold water. In His name. Blessed.
This time it wasn’t “somebody else”. It was me. I’m so thankful I said, “Pick me!” Lord, help me to always have the time to sense your nudges, hear your call, see the needs of others and respond as your hands and feet. I want to be a “JUST DO IT” kind-of-girl for You and others, because You are a "JUST DID IT" Lord for me!
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