I’ve been here at my Austin family’s home for over two weeks now. Here’s the bonuses of being here:
1) Breathtaking views of Austin’s Hill Country from their back patio – perfect for a morning of holding hands with God and His creation.
2) Hanging out with the critters.
3) Going make-up free and even coiffed-hairdo free.
4) Being on the elliptical equipment to do my 4.5 mile workout each day.
5) Eating out of their pantry and refrigerators.
6) Wearing jeans and a t-shirt or my work-out clothes.
But, if someone were coming over or I was invited over to someone’s home or taken to dinner (I have been several times), I gussy up, coif my hair, put on a little spray cologne and wear an attractive outfit. After all, I want to dress for success. Actually, I’m loving both sides of this girl – the no frills and the dolling up. I love me – both ways. I love who I have become in the process of loving God with all my heart. It’s taken many seasons to get me to this self-assured season. Remember Jesus’ words to the lawyer: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself!” (Mark 12:31).
But there ARE those times when I allow myself to feel “less than” when I see you younger, flawless, smoother complexions, trim figures, silky hair and wearing shorts that show off your legs especially when, these days, the spider veins in my legs remove all desire for shorts or a swimsuit. There’s all kinds of strange “wisdom bumps” (as my dermatologist calls them) appearing in even stranger places. But, here’s the truth of the matter. We need to stop beating ourselves up for the way we look, be it extra weight around our middle that we call “our spare tire” or whatever our imperfection obsession might be and start loving the body God created especially for us. We are the only make and model of us on planet earth! One-of-a-kind!
While I’ve been here, I’ve taken to the elliptical equipment in the fitness room, doing 4.5 miles daily (76.5 miles for the 17 days I’ve been here). It’s great exercise and good for the body, mind, and soul. AND, the most important, is the quiet, alone time with God and me that builds up the inner me which is the most important, for sure.
We can’t love our neighbors as ourselves if we don’t know how to love ourselves. When we focus on feeling imperfect on the outside, we lose focus of how far God has brought us on the inside. Besides -- I have a feeling our outside isn’t as bad as we think. We have a purpose and we have a calling and we can’t walk in any of it if we can’t see beyond the mirror. We’re all on this journey together and seeing beyond ourselves is a wonderful way to travel.
No matter what we’re struggling with, God is bigger. I need to remember that the next time I get another "wisdom" spot. When we feel defeated by our imperfection obsessions, Jesus is right there to help us overcome those woe-is-me feelings. When the enemy tries to sell us a load of lies, let’s don't buy it! I know that’s easier said than done, but there’s nothing sweeter than trusting God in our human frailties and darkest moments. Let’s look at ourselves the way God sees us and say goodbye to our struggle with imperfection. God sees us through the sacrifice of Christ, and that is more perfect than anything we could ever hope for. We truly can surrender all the pieces of our life to the One Who made us and the One Who gave His life for us.
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