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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Highway to Connection

This photo is of the highway that leads in or out of Red River, NM where we’re enjoying a week of glorious weather, fishing, sight-seeing, and quality family time. Reconnecting with my childhood buddy, my cousin and her husband, has meant so much to me. And, Staci and Larry have reconnected with them after many years and distances apart. We've been sharing many family stories that included God's blessings in our lives.

Connection is sure no problem in an RV park. Everyone is super friendly as they walk their dogs, drive by in their ATV or stop to get advice for best fishing holes, places to eat, and places to see. We’re connected by the mere fact – we’re in this place together.

We’ve all heard the phrase “Misery loves company”. And, I think it’s true. It’s easy to find “miserable” company these days because so many are, well, miserable, and those who are, seem to thrive on it. And, polar opposite are those who believe “Joy/Happiness/Peace/Gratitude loves company”. I prefer "connecting" with that latter group.

Here we are in unimaginable times. But, we have connected to others like never before because we have things or situations in common: isolation, loss of connection, social-distancing, keeping the family entertained or having to wear a mask in public or having to wear it all day. As unthinkable as it has been, many of us have found solace in the fact that we’re not alone in this. It’s not just my family or yours or theirs that is facing all these challenges. It is all of us – in some way. We’re connected. Many of us are more connected than ever.

And, you know what? Deep inside me, I sense that our sovereign God has been in control. Once upon a time we put up fences to keep us separated from our neighbors. We drove into our garages and shut the garage door behind us. We didn’t even want connection. We were self-sufficient and really didn’t need or even want a connection with others. And that separated us from grieving with those who grieve, from feeling pain with those in deep pain or from the connection of someone who lost a child or a job or a parent. Maybe it's you that has needed connection.

It seems we are becoming more transparent. We are sharing what hurts us, what misery we’re enduring, the good ideas for connecting with those who can encourage us and giving joy and comfort to others. Sharing, caring, and connecting with others is the answer to depression, suicide, despondency and fear.

I titled this blog “A Highway to Connection” for a reason. And, connection we can have by reaching out to someone via text message or email or Facetime or “old school” telephone is a great way to start. Romans 12:5 puts it this way: “so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.” I’d say that’s the highway to connection that we ALL need!

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