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Monday, July 20, 2020

Getting a Breather from the Heat

Red River, New Mexico – Here we are at the Sangre de Christo Mountains aka Blood of Jesus Mountains at the town of Red River. That gives me holy chilly bumps to know we are surrounded and covered by the "blood of Jesus" in God's creation and in His blood that keeps us healthy and alive in Him. "Oh the blood of Jesus -- it washes white as snow." (chorus of an old song). Heaven on earth puts it mildly. Oh, the sweet ride God takes us on when we chill out and let Him lead us to the mountains. "I lift up my eyes to the hills (aka mountains) where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1

"Chill out" is literally what we're doing. From the Dallas 102 degrees heat to the 70s high in the day and 40s low at night. I look at these sweet times as heaven to earth. I sense it because my heart is overflowing in gratitude for these off-the-chart moments. Here we are right in the midst what seems to be a whole lotta’ hell on earth around us – if we allowed ourselves to live in that zone – but those who choose to take the higher peace-zone way – will find places like this -- literally AND spiritually.

My children (both sets) purchased “homes-on-wheels” last year. I know that it was God leading them for “such-a-time-as-this” that we are living in right now. They are able to be safe-at-home when at their at their residences AND in their travel homes. I’m a beneficiary of their blessings. Larry and Staci bought their RV when they both turned 50 so they named theirs: “Jubilee “, which means “50 years” and in Biblical terms, blessing.

When they got theirs in January, they announced to their two children, and me: “Pick out a destination you’d like to go to and we’ll take you there.” It didn’t take long for me to tell them mine because my cousin had just invited me to Red River, NM where they’d be enjoying their own travel-home this summer. My bestie-cousin (my dad’s brother’s daughter) and I had a world of fun as kids. So, here we are in this spectacular weather, majestic mountains, tall pine trees, lakes, rivers, a great resort town AND trout! Heading out to fish in a few minutes!

We made it here on Saturday evening, and getting to hang out with my cousins. Their RV is across from ours amidst spectacular pine trees. Yesterday started with quiet times watching online church, a great breakfast and then we headed out to drive around to get the lay of the land and waters. Hold on for updates on fishing adventures in these plethora-of-trout waters. I’m so grateful. And, were it not for these travel vehicles, we wouldn’t be able to be here. The media call these RVs/motorhomes “pandemic palaces” because families are able to get out during these times for family get-aways. Staci prefers to call theirs “blessing-palaces”.

Actually "Heaven on earth" is when we pause to bring worship from earth to heaven and then God brings heaven to earth. When we take time to be thankful for journey, whether they are winding and twisting, or 4-lane smooth highways, and have gratitude in it all, heaven shows up on earth. Any time we pray, “God, let your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we’re asking God to declare the truths of heaven into this world.

I know what heaven on earth is and every day I invest my time in looking for and living there. One day, we’ll get to graduate from this earth to heaven. I sincerely believe God delights in our appreciating the heaven we can have daily as we commune with Him and let Him make His presence known in every facet of our lives. All those "heaven on earth" times sure makes this journey sweet on the way to "heaven in heaven". Every day, we can make the choice to have "heaven on earth" moments. Maybe it's time to take stock in YOUR "heaven on earth" blessings, too!

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