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Friday, July 17, 2020

The World of Virtual Reality

I thought I had seen just about everything until I played in a virtual reality world. Virtual reality is a simulation of a three‐dimensional image or environment that you (Hannah and me, in this case) can interact within this seemingly real way using special electronic equipment, like helmet/goggles with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. That's Bear in the middle of this collage laughing hysterically at his girl and me!

A friend left his virtual reality system at my children’s home. It was the opportune time for my grandson, his girl friend and me to play with it! First, Bear, with the system, virtually outlined the field of play that kept us from running into furniture or walls. Hannah was up first. She put on the goggles, held the hand grips and whoa-la, she was moving about the room that Bear had outlined. It was funny watching her make her way getting through whatever I could only imagine.

Then it was my turn. First, I held the hand grips and saw that I was in a Star Wars setting. That's me oohing and awwing at the sci-fi room I was in. I could see that my hand grips were electronic gloves and before I knew it, I was exclaiming “Oh, I’ve got a lightsaber! Oh, did you see that?” (Of course, they didn’t. I was the only one in this world.) I heard them laughing at me like I was laughing at Hannah. THEN, Bear changed the scene, and in this world, I was on the floor but in virtual reality, I had boarded a kayak and used paddles to make my way through glaciers in Antarctica. I saw penguins everywhere, a whale and other fish jumping beside me. At one point, I even felt the cold of being there, but that part was my imagination – I think!

What a great experience to see what virtual reality is and what it promises to be in the future. We’ve come a long way, Baby! Just look at the real “reality” of online church, teleconferencing, and so many other computer-generated opportunities for us to carry on life during this pandemic. Technology is quickly changing the world that we live in and the way that we do most things. I hear that Virtual Reality technology just might be the new way of attending church and doing business in the future.

It’s “Twilight Zone” reality to me, but so was internet technology forty years ago. I understand that businesses and churches might not need physical space and will even opt into virtual office and worship experiences. Businesses and churches will literally be without walls. You won’t need to drive anywhere. Just plug the family in, download your Sunday outfit, and materialize in worship. I’m wondering if I’ll still be alive to see it. Sure makes me wonder what is in the mind of God because He surely isn’t surprised by any of this.

Here’s what will never, ever change. Regardless of technology and split-second visuals of each other, our goal should and will forever be all about loving God and loving each other. We will still be called to care for the poor, and the sick and help those in need. We will still be charged with living intentional lives that give praise and glory to God in what we do, say and how we live. Particularly, with all of our new technology and creative abilities, we’ll, more than likely, need to practice humility and love and service even more – because THAT reality is what it means to faithfully follow Jesus.

So, maybe we should be practicing Jesus’ example of servitude in the reality of caring more about others than we do ourselves. Seriously, I believe we are in training for what God is coming up with on His Holy radar. I suspect He’s preparing us to see and appreciate the awe, beauty and splendor of how He is ever right here with us, never changing, in our vastly changing world.

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