In case you were wondering, here's why: The birds are angry because the green psycho pigs came to their Island and destroyed their house. The red bird tried to warn the other birds that the pigs were up to no good and stole the birds' eggs and were about to eat them. Sounds like some evil pigs but really they aren't evil. They're stuck on a small island and are hungry and those birds' eggs seemed like a sure way to satisfy their hunger. But, of course the Angry Birds are .....well, angry!
I can't say I blame them. Life and stuff often gets on our last nerve and we do our best to hold it in, but sometimes we just can't help otherselves. But, it's okay! In Ephesians 4:26, St. Paul said: "Be angry. but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not make room for the devil." He is actually telling us that we can get angry. He knows that anger is a natural human emotion which, of itself, isn't bad. What does matter is what we do with the anger. I think we've all seen on social media and TV what unharnessed anger looks like. I think the key to anger is "No peace; no God. Know peace; know God."
It's a true matter of the heart. I'll admit I have triggers that if the right buttons are pushed, I can act like an "angry bird". I have come to recognize an acceptable anger. Even Jesus had anger – remember how he was flipping tables when he was disgusted with the money changers denigrating God’s house of prayer?
I’m a work in progress -- consistently managing my behavior and dealing with the areas that need ongoing self-improvement. I want to be that gal that uses anger the right way – a healthy anger that leads to praying for others and finding ways to help others realize their need for a loving God.
Anger can be destructive if it isn't laced with love and respect. It can destroy families, relationships, and even lives. It, often, goes too far. That's where this scripture comes in: Proverbs 6:16-19 “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” And, we've sure witnessed those seven things, haven't we? Looting, stealing, killing, lying, wicked actions, liars and creators of strife. Those are the things God hates. I sure don't want to be counted in that number so I am constantly giving myself a heart check-up.
Maybe you're like those angry birds today. Injustice, someone stealing from you and mistreating you. I encourage you to ask God to help you work through it. Spend time in prayer asking Him to show you the reasons behind the anger and how to begin to let the anger go to become the best version of yourself that you can be. Be intentional about your words and your thoughts before they spill out and you can't take them back. Ask God to give you peace, calm your heart, and let you speak the truth in love. For those of us who answer to our Father, we can't talk about anger without talking about forgiveness, and that just may be a good place to start.
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