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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A New Voice


In a world filled with noise, it's easy to feel like our voices get lost in the chaos. Yet, last week, a remarkable story from the Mayo Clinic reminds us of the profound impact a single voice can have.

Marty Kedian, a 59-year-old man diagnosed with a rare form of laryngeal cancer, underwent the world's first total larynx transplant on a cancer patient. Just four months after the complex 21-hour surgery, Marty regained his ability to speak, swallow, and breathe independently. This groundbreaking procedure not only restored Marty's physical voice but also symbolizes the power of human resilience and innovation.

In a separate yet equally inspiring event, U.S. Representative, Congresswoman, Jennifer Wexton, who was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder affecting her speech, debuted a new AI-generated voice. Using recordings from before her diagnosis, she found a way to continue communicating, showing us that even when faced with adversity, our voices can find new pathways.

I read those stories and knew a blog was on its way!  Those stories prompt us to consider our own voices. Have you ever felt like your voice didn’t matter? Like no one would listen, no matter what you said? In an era where sound ever present and opinions flood every platform, it's easy to feel drowned out and insignificant.

But what if we chose to use our voices differently? What if, instead of adding to the noise, we used our voices to foster kindness, encouragement, peace, and positivity? A voice that builds up rather than tears down, that seeks to understand rather than to argue, that offers hope rather than despair.

Marty and Representative Wexton remind us that our voices are powerful. Whether through a groundbreaking medical procedure or innovative technology, they show us that finding and using our voice is not only possible but necessary. It’s about speaking life into situations, offering a word of kindness in a harsh world, and bringing peace to the turmoil around us.

So, let our voices be new to the field of anger, animosity and tackiness. Let’s commit to speaking words that heal, encourage, and uplift. In doing so, we not only transform our own lives but also the lives of those around us.

Remember, our voices matter. Speak up with kindness, love for our fellow man and positivity and watch how the world around us begins to change.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." - Ephesians 4:29

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